Confidentiality Policy:
It is one of the leading principles of our company to protect the privacy of visitors ("Data Owner") to the website operated by Uğur Saat Mağazacılık A.Ş. ("Uğur Saat" or "Company").
With the Website Confidentiality Policy ("Policy");
(1) Processing of personal data of Data Subjects,
(2) Explanations about the enforcement of the Website Privacy Policy are provided.
With the Policy, our visitors who visit our Website are informed about the following issues:
With the Policy, our visitors who visit our Website are informed about the following issues:
- Which personal data of the Data Subjects are obtained, the method of collecting personal data and the legal reason;
- The purposes for which the personal data of Data Subjects are processed;
- With whom the personal data of Data Subjects can be shared;
- Retention periods of personal data of Data Subjects;
- Rights of Data Subjects;
- Measures taken to ensure the security of the personal data of Data Subjects.
Which Personal Data of Data Subjects are Obtained, Method of Collection of Personal Data and Legal Reason
Any information that makes your identity specific or identifiable is "personal data". Uğur Saat carries out all kinds of activities necessary to act in accordance with the Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data ("Law") and the relevant legislation in the processing of your personal data.
Your personal data obtained as a result of your visit to our Website are listed below:
- Identity Info
- Contact Information
- Customer Transaction Information
- Transaction Security Information
- Marketing Information
- Product/Service Usage Information
- Request/Complaint Management Information
Purposes for which the Personal Data of Data Subjects are Processed
Your personal data obtained as a result of your visit to our Website may be processed by Uğur Saat in accordance with Articles 5 and 6 of the PDP Law for the following purposes; Carrying out the necessary work by our business units and carrying out the relevant business processes in order to benefit the relevant persons from the products and services offered by the Company, Planning and execution of the activities necessary to recommend and promote the products and services offered by the Company to the relevant persons by customizing them according to their tastes, usage habits and needs, Carrying out the necessary work by our relevant business units for the realization of the commercial activities carried out by the Company and carrying out the related business processes, Planning and execution of the Company's commercial and/or business strategies, ensuring the legal, technical and commercial-business security of the Company and related persons in business relations with the Company
With Whom Data Can Be Shared
Your personal data obtained may be transferred to our business partners, shareholders, affiliates, legally authorized public institutions and private persons in line with the purposes of processing your personal data, within the personal data processing conditions and purposes specified in Articles 8 and 9 of the PDP Law.
Retention Periods of Personal Data of Data Subjects
Although it has been processed in accordance with the provisions of the Law and other relevant laws, personal data is deleted, destroyed or anonymized by Uğur Saat in the event that the reasons requiring its processing disappear.
In accordance with the Law, Uğur Saat will be able to retain personal data during the statute of limitations determined by the relevant legislation to be used in the context of any dispute that may arise. In this case, the personal data stored in this case is not accessed for any other purpose and access is provided only when it is required to be used in the relevant legal dispute.
Rights of Data Subjects
Pursuant to Article 11 of the Law, Data Subjects have the rights listed below regarding their personal data:
- Learn whether personal data is being processed,
- Request information if personal data has been processed,
- Learning the purpose of processing personal data and whether they are used in accordance with their purpose,
- To know the third parties to whom personal data are transferred domestically or abroad,
- To request correction of personal data in case of incomplete or incorrect processing and to request notification of the transaction made within this scope to third parties to whom personal data is transferred,
- To request the deletion or destruction of personal data in the event that the reasons requiring its processing disappear, although it has been processed in accordance with the provisions of the PDP Law and other relevant laws, and to request notification of the transaction made within this scope to third parties to whom personal data is transferred,
- To object to the emergence of a result to the detriment of the person himself/herself by analyzing the processed data exclusively through automated systems,
- In case of damage due to unlawful processing of personal data, to demand compensation for the damage.
Measures Taken to Ensure Security
In line with the importance our Company attaches to the protection of personal data and ensuring data security, in accordance with Article 12 of the PDP Law, in order to ensure data security by our Company,
- Prevent unlawful processing of personal data,
- Prevent unlawful access to personal data,
- To ensure the preservation of personal data,
takes all necessary technical and administrative measures to ensure the appropriate level of security for the above purposes.
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